The Temporary Anonymous Zone is a no-labels zone where Devcon VI attendees can learn through experience about privacy and anonymity. Visitors can get info on basic concepts, ask the team questions, share thoughts, make digital and physical art together, and interact anonymously with other Devcon attendees using apps built specifically for the Devcon VI TAZ.
To participate, visit the TAZ for an invitation card. The code on the card is your key to generate a unique Semaphore identity and join the Devcon VI Semaphore group. This is how we make sure it’s only Devcon attendees in the group, without having to personally identify anyone.
Visit the Temporary Anonymous Zone community hub [wherever we’re located) to receive your invitation.
Each person at Devcon will be able to take a card with an invitation link which can be used to generate an anonymous identity and join our Devcon VI group. Once you’ve joined the group, you can use the apps on the TAZ site to anonymously ask and answer questions, make collaborative art, and use anon-friendly social media, knowing that you’re interacting with other Devcon attendees.
The TAZ apps use Semaphore, a zero-knowledge protocol that lets you anonymously prove group membership and send signals (e.g. a message or a vote). Semaphore groups can be configured to allow only identities that meet certain criteria. By including some “proof of human” criteria, Semaphore can also help provide sybil and spam resistance in anonymous environments.
A Semaphore signal can take many forms whether that’s a social media post, a chat message, or a vote. A signal will always include a ZK proof verifying you are a member of a group and your signal is valid. So if your signal is a vote, the ZK proof accompanying it would verify you are both qualified to vote and you have not voted more than once.
For more information about Semaphore, read the Semaphore V2 announcement, or see the documentation.
The TAZ apps are experimental…
…and you’re part of the experiment! The TAZ site and apps shouldn’t be considered stable or permanent. We don’t think they’ll break - but if you break them, we will have learned something together. We’d also love to hear your feedback - Semaphore is a project by and for the community and is always being improved.
The version of Semaphore used in the TAZ (v2.5.0) has not been audited yet. If you’re interested in integrating Semaphore, we recommend using v2 which has been formally audited.
Storing your identity
The app converts your secret identity values into a QR code, which you can export to store your secret identity on your device. Keep this safe! If you lose it, you lose your identity - and if someone else gets access to it, they’ll be able to trace your actions in the TAZ back to you.
<aside> ⚠️ The Devcon TAZ experience is taking place in a finite time and place, on testnet, and with no money involved, so we’re taking minimal security precautions - think of it like an identity hot wallet. A Semaphore identity that you intend to use for a long time or in a high-stakes situation should be stored encrypted and secured.