
Hey folks — announcement from PSE leadership covering a few substantial updates.

Here’s the broad strokes:

  1. Barry is leaving PSE (but will remain in the ecosystem)
  2. Sam is taking over leadership of PSE
  3. We’re sunsetting some PSE projects (the people & projects affected are already aware)
  4. Broadly speaking, we see the need to establish a “new era” of PSE
  5. We’re scheduling a PSE Town Hall for next week to discuss these changes

Please read on to learn more…

Message from Barry

Hi Friends,

I have been working with PSE 5 years now. But now it is time for me to take another adventure. I have been very happy with the progress in the ZK space. It has matured to a point where it probably does not need my full focus.

My style of doing things works well in an early stage exploration but as things mature it is not the best way to approach. There has been some dissonance and incoherence when my approach has run into the requirements of a more mature domain.

Working with you all has been a privilege. We had some fun times together, built some nice things and made a positive change in the world. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Devcon. I am still going to be around and thinking about similar things. We are still on the same metaphorical “team”.

I feel very grateful to Sam. He will be taking the leadership of PSE. Which I can attest is not an easy task. I wish him all the best and plan to help him anyway that I can. I ask that you endeavor to do the same. I think that with your help PSE will become better than ever.

The best is yet to come ;)


Message from Sam